OpenGeo Suite Enterprise only


Style and create Maps easily in Composer. Uses YSLD, a compact and simple markup language for styling layers.

WPS Builder

Create powerful chains of geospatial processes graphically in your browser. Needs the GeoServer WPS extension to be installed.



Get Started

PostGIS provides spatial objects for the PostgreSQL object-relational database, allowing efficient storage, query, and analysis of location information.



GeoServer is a powerful map and feature server for sharing, analyzing, and editing geospatial data from any major spatial data source using open standards.


GeoWebCache accelerates delivery of web maps by caching map tiles upfront or on-demand.



Use OpenGeo Suite Explorer for QGIS to publish data directly to OpenGeo Suite. Upload QGIS projects to GeoServer and PostGIS.

Web Map Library

OpenLayers 2 & 3

OpenLayers is a JavaScript framework that provides advanced web mapping capabilities in any browser.

Web App Buildkit

Boundless SDK

Boundless SDK simplifies the creation of ready-to-deploy web map applications using OpenLayers and OpenGeo Suite.

Web Map Client


GeoExplorer is a web-based map composition tool. Compose, style, edit, and publish maps from a browser.

Getting Started

OpenGeo Suite offers a variety of ways to import, export, transform, and serve spatial data to the web, and make it interactive.
Whether Suite components are installed remotely or locally, you can configure and manage them using PostGIS utilities, command line tools, the OpenGeo Suite Explorer for QGIS, the GeoServer web interface, or by using the GeoServer REST API or Boundless SDK.
Find your desired task below. Also visit to try out our free tutorials and learn more in our education center.

  • Where to get GIS data:

Natural Earth

Natural Earth has free shapefiles available for download. Try downloading the Natural Earth Quickstart kit for a quick default set.


GeoNames has placenames (for oceans, all countries, cities, etc.).

You could start with all countries data.

OSM is a freely editable map of the world that can be downloaded in parts.

You can select a bounding box to download using QGIS or find countries to download from Geofabrik.

  • Choose one of:

  •     * best for rasters

pgAdmin & pgShapeLoader

pgAdmin and pgShapeLoader are graphical desktop tools to import shapefiles and manage database tables in PostGIS.

Before importing shapefiles use pgAdmin to create a PostGIS-enabled database for your data.

Command Line Import

Shapefiles can also be loaded into PostGIS using a command-line tool called shp2pgsql.

shp2pgsql How-To

Tip: If you're working on a remote server you can also download data directly to that server using wget and one of the GIS data download links.

QGIS + Suite QGIS Plugin

The desktop GIS client QGIS and our Suite QGIS Plugin can be used to carry out steps 1 through 5 on this page. Once your data is open in QGIS, use the plugin to connect and publish to PostGIS.

Suite QGIS Plugin: Publishing from PostGIS


  • Choose one of:

GeoServer Layer Preview

To view your data quickly, visit GeoServer's Layer Preview page.

GeoServer Layer Preview

Tip: If your data isn't visible, make sure it's been loaded from PostGIS or a file with GeoServer Importer.


Using pgAdmin you can query, edit and organize your GIS data in tabular format.


PostGIS provides powerful spatial processing tools for data storage, indexing and analysis.


GeoExplorer is a web-based viewer for viewing and editing layers.


GeoExplorer Documentation


QGIS offers powerful geoprocessing capabilities, and our Suite QGIS Plugin can connect to various Suite components such as PostGIS and GeoServer.

Suite QGIS Plugin and QGIS

  • Choose one of:


Style layers easily using Composer. Style maps and layers using a compact form of GeoServer's SLD styling langauge, YSLD.

Cartography: Composer



Create styles natively in QGIS with optional export to GeoServer.

Suite QGIS Plugin: Editing a Style

Note: About styling limitations of the plugin.


GeoExplorer provides a basic graphical styling web interface with direct connection to GeoServer.

GeoServer SLD Styling

SLD (Style Layer Descriptor) is the native GeoServer styling language.

GeoServer: Styling

  • Choose one of:


Style layers easily using Composer. Create maps easily and style them using a compact form of GeoServer's SLD styling langauge, YSLD.

Cartography: Composer


GeoServer Layer Groups

In GeoServer you can create Layer Groups to publish multi-layer web maps.

GeoServer: Layer Groups


Using the Suite QGIS Plugin, you can organize your data into workspaces in GeoServer and publish layers to the web.

QGIS: Publising a Project

QGIS can also be used to create print maps using the QGIS Print Composer.


With GeoExplorer you can create a map interface that can be embedded in any web page.


GeoExplorer: Publish Maps

  • Choose one of:

Boundless SDK

Boundless SDK provides templates and build commands for quickly creating and deploying web applications (as .war files) using OpenLayers 3 (or 2) and GeoServer.

Boundless SDK


OpenLayers 3 is a high-performance JavaScript library for working with interactive maps in a browser.

OpenLayers 3

Tip: Try the Boundless SDK which includes OpenLayers 3 if you'd like to deploy your applications with GeoServer.


With GeoExplorer you can create a map interface that can be embedded in any web page.


GeoExplorer: Publish Maps

Running OpenGeo Suite in Production

The OpenGeo Suite documentation describes a number of ways to improve performance, set up security, backup, partition virtual services, cache map tiles, and set up clustering for production projects.

OpenGeo System Administration


OpenGeo Suite

OpenGeo Suite powers web, mobile, and desktop applications across the enterprise. Built on leading open source software - including PostGIS, GeoServer, GeoWebCache, and OpenLayers - OpenGeo Suite optimizes standards-based technology for organizations large and small.


Boundless is the most trusted provider of enterprise-grade, open source geospatial software. From database to server to client, Boundless reduces the costs of developing, deploying, and maintaining geospatial software. Boundless is where companies turn when they want to free themselves of the rigid architectures and unsustainable pricing models of proprietary geospatial software.

This Build

Version 4.8 (7ae17b5) built on Thu Jan 14, 2016 @ 22:11 UTC
This version was released .