GeoFence Rest API


The Geofence Rest API is only accessible to users with the role ROLE_ADMIN.


Data Object Transfer

Both XML and JSON are supported for transfer of data objects. The default is XML. Alternatively, JSON may be used by setting the ‘content-type’ (POST) and ‘accept’ (GET) http headers to ‘application/json’ in your requests.

Encoding of a rule in XML:


Encoding of a rule in JSON:


In case a rule that has “any” (“*”) for a particular field the field is either not included (default), left empty or specified with a single asterisk (the latter two may be used for updates to distinguish from “do not change this field”).

Encoding of a list of rules in XML:

<Rules count="n">
        <Rule> ... </Rule>
        <Rule> ... </Rule>

The result of a count would not include the actual <Rule> tags.

Encoding of a list of rules in JSON:


Filter Parameters

All filter parameters are optional.

Name Type Description
page number Used for paging a list of rules. Specifies the number of the page. Leave out for no paging. If specified, entries should also be specified.
entries number Used for paging a list of rules. Specifies the number of entries per page. Leave out for no paging. If specified, page should also be specified.
userName string Filter rules on username (excludes all other specified usernames).
userAny 0 or 1. Specify whether rules for ‘any’ username are included or not.
roleName string Filter rules on rolename (excludes all other specified rolenames).
roleAny 0 or 1. Specify whether rules for ‘any’ rolename are included or not.
service string Filter rules on service (excludes all other specified services).
serviceAny 0 or 1. Specify whether rules for ‘any’ service are included or not.
request string Filter rules on request (excludes all other specified requests).
requestAny 0 or 1. Specify whether rules for ‘any’ request are included or not.
workspace string Filter rules on workspace (excludes all other specified workspaces).
workspaceAny 0 or 1. Specify whether rules for ‘any’ workspace are included or not.
layer string Filter rules on layer (excludes all other specified layers).
layerAny 0 or 1. Specify whether rules for ‘any’ layer are included or not.



Query all rules or add a new rule.

Method Action Supported parameters Response
GET List all rules, with respect to any added filters page, entries, userName, userAny, roleName, roleAny, service, serviceAny, request, requestAny, workspace, workspaceAny, layer, layerAny 200 OK. List of rules in XML.
POST Add a new rule None 201 Inserted. Created ID header.


Counts (filtered) rules.

Method Action Supported parameters Response
GET Count all rules, with respect to any added filters userName, userAny, roleName, roleAny, service, serviceAny, request, requestAny, workspace, workspaceAny, layer, layerAny 200 OK. Rule list count in XML.


Query, modify or delete a specific rule.

Method Action Supported parameters Response
GET Read rule information None 200 OK. Rule in XML.
POST Modify the rule, unspecified fields remain unchanged. None 200 OK.
DELETE Delete the rule None 200 OK.