Demo Page

The Demo page contains a listing of all layers known to GeoWebCache and the valid services associated with them. This information is set in the file geowebcache.xml. To edit layer settings read the section on Configuring Layers.

For each layer and depending on settings, there will be a link to built-in OpenLayers demos for every projection and image format supported. If EPSG:4326 (lat/lon) is supported by a particular layer, there will also be links to KML output, for display in Google Earth.

The URL format of the demos is as follows:






  • <GEOWEBCACHE_URL> - URL to the GeoWebCache instance
  • <LAYER_NAME> - Name of the layer as known to GeoWebCache (<wmsLayer>).
  • <GRID_SET> - Name of the grid set as known in GeoWebCache (<gridSet). It does not need to be in the form “EPSG:####”.
  • <IMAGE_MIMEFORMAT> - MIME type of image format (image/png)
  • <IMAGE_FORMAT> = Typical extension for image format (png)

Seeding layers

For each layer listed, there is a link to Seed this layer. Clicking one of these links will bring up Seed Pages where seed tasks can be started or managed.

Reload configuration

There is also a button to Reload Configuration. Click this to make any configuration changes known to GeoWebCache. You will have to authenticate as an administrator first.