
This section describes how to perform a new installation of OpenGeo Suite 4.8 on Mac OS X. These instructions should only be followed if your system does not have OpenGeo Suite installed.


System Requirements

OpenGeo Suite has the following system requirements:

  • Operating System: 10.9 or newer
  • Memory: 1GB minimum (2GB recommended)
  • Disk space: 1GB minimum (plus extra space for any loaded data)
  • Browser: Any modern web browser is supported
  • Permissions: Administrative rights


The Mac installer for OpenGeo Suite is a disk image made up several components that are installed separately.


OpenGeo Suite for Mac OS X


While it is possible to run the PostGIS application directly from the installer disk image, we recommend you drag it to /Applications and run from there.

PostGIS ships as a self-contained application. Start by double-clicking You will see a “Welcome” window the first time the application is launched.


PostGIS Welcome dialog


If you get the message “PostGIS can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer”

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Select Security & Privacy
  3. Under Allow apps downloaded from: select Anywhere

You can check the PostgreSQL server status and perform other tasks from the PostGIS icon in the OS X menu bar.


PostGIS menu


While it is possible to run the GeoServer application directly from the installer disk image, we recommend you drag it to /Applications and run from there.

GeoServer also ships as a self-contained application. Start by double-clicking You will see a “Welcome” window the first time the application is launched.


GeoServer Welcome dialog


If you get the message “GeoServer can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer”

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Select Security & Privacy
  3. Under Allow apps downloaded from: select Anywhere


The GeoServer application runs a Jetty web server that also contains GeoWebCache, GeoExplorer, and the OpenGeo Dashboard.

You can check the server status and perform other tasks from the GeoServer icon in the OS X menu bar.


GeoServer menu

Once the server has fully started up a web browser will open and display the OpenGeo dashboard.

PostGIS Utilities


As with all other applications of OpenGeo Suite, we recommended you drag any tools to /Applications and run from there.

The PostGIS Utilities package contains utility applications for working with PostGIS and PostgreSQL:

  • pgAdmin - A database manager for PostgreSQL
  • pgShapeLoader - A graphical Shapefile loader/dumper

Double-click to run the applications.


pgAdmin PostgreSQL Manager


PostGIS Shapefile Loader

GeoServer extensions

Extensions to GeoServer are available in a folder called GeoServer Extensions.

Double-click to open this folder and you will see individual folders for each extension.

To install an extension:

  1. Select Open Webapps Directory from the GeoServer menu.


    GeoServer must be running to see this menu.


    Opening the webapps directory from the GeoServer menu

  2. In the Finder window that appears, navigate to geoserver/WEB-INF/lib.

  3. For a given extension, copy the contents of that folder (not the folder itself) into geoserver/WEB-INF/lib.


    Selecting the files for the WPS extension...


    You can use the labeling or tagging feature of the Finder to color or tag extensions, respective to each type of extension, before copying them to geoserver/WEB-INF/lib. This allows you to quickly find them later if you wish to remove them from GeoServer.


    ...and copying the files to geoserver/WEB-INF/lib

  4. Quit and re-open GeoServer.


    Quitting GeoServer


Read more about GeoServer extensions.

CLI tools

The CLI tools package contains all the command line tools for OpenGeo Suite:

  • Boundless SDK
  • PostGIS data conversion utilities such as shp2pgsql
  • GDAL/OGR format translation utilities (including Python modules)
  • PDAL tools for working with LIDAR point cloud data


Boundless SDK requires that a Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed on your system in order to run.

To install the CLI Tools:

  1. Double-click the OpenGeo CLI Tools.pkg file.


    OpenGeo Suite Command Line Tools Installer

  2. Work through the installer dialogs accepting the defaults.

  3. The CLI Tools package installs everything into /usr/local/opengeo. This directory must be added to the PATH. Add the following line to your ~/.profile:

    export PATH=/usr/local/opengeo/bin:$PATH


    Alternatively you can run the /usr/local/opengeo/bin/opengeo-clitools-doctor utility which will create symlinks for all the tools into /usr/local/bin. Use this method with caution as it may conflict with different versions of the same tools already installed on the system.

  4. Adding the CLI Tools Python modules to PYTHONPATH

    The GDAL/OGR and other Python module utilities will be installed in /usr/local/opengeo/lib/python2.7/site-packages. To add this to your PYTHONPATH you will need to open ~/.profile in a text editor and add the following to the bottom of the file:

    export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/opengeo/lib/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH


    If you have the QGIS community version installed, and the /Libraries/Frameworks/GDAL.framework exists, you will need to remove gdal-py2.7.pth and numpy-override.pth from /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages as they manipulate sys.path and will always be found first.

After installation

Installation is now complete. After installation, please see the section on After installation: Working with OpenGeo Suite for Mac OS X.