After installation: Working with OpenGeo Suite for Application Servers


For more information about setting up OpenGeo Suite, please see the System administration section.

Working with GeoServer

Enabling spatial reference systems with Imperial units

A fix is available for spatial reference systems measured in Imperial units (feet). This setting is recommended for all users, and strongly recommended for those working with US State Plane projections measured in feet.

To enable this fix:

  1. Add the following parameter to your application server settings:



    On Tomcat, 7, it is typical for this file to be located at /etc/tomcat7/server.xml.

  2. Restart the application server.

Update GeoJSON output

GeoServer GeoJSON output is now provided in x/y/z order as required by the specification. In addition, the crs output has changed to support full URN representation of spatial reference systems:

"crs": {
   "type": "name",
   "properties": {
      "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326"


Previously, the output was:

"crs": {
   "type": "EPSG",
   "properties": {
      "code": "4326"

To restore the previous crs representation for compatibility reasons (especially when working with OpenLayers 3):

  1. Add the following context parameter to your GeoServer WEB-INF/web.xml file:

  2. Restart the application server.