
class gxp.plugins.SchemaAnnotations

Module for getting annotations from the WFS DescribeFeatureType schema. This is currently used in gxp.plugins.FeatureEditorForm and gxp.plugins.FeatureEditorGrid.

The WFS needs to provide xsd:annotation in the XML Schema which is reported back on a WFS DescribeFeatureType request. An example is:

<xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="PERSONS" nillable="true" type="xsd:double">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">
      Number of persons living in the state

To use this module simply use Ext.override in your class, and use the getAnnotationsFromSchema function on a record from the attribute store.

Ext.override(gxp.plugins.YourPlugin, gxp.plugins.SchemaAnnotations);

Public Methods

Public methods.

Parameters:rExt.data.Record a record from the AttributeStore
Returns:Object Object with label and helpText properties or

null if no annotation was found.