
class gxp.EmbedMapDialog(config)

A dialog for configuring a map iframe to embed on external web pages.

Example Use

Show a gxp.EmbedMapDialog in a window, using “viewer.html” in the current path as url:

new Ext.Window({
     title: "Export Map",
     layout: "fit",
     width: 380,
     autoHeight: true,
     items: [{
         xtype: "gxp_embedmapdialog",
         url: "viewer.html"

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.Container.


String the url to use as the iframe’s src of the embed snippet. Can be a url relative to the current href and will be converted to an absolute one.

Public Properties

Public properties in addition to those listed for Ext.Container.


String the url to use as the iframe’s src of the embed snippet. Can be a url relative to the current href and will be converted to an absolute one.

Public Methods

Public methods in addition to those listed for Ext.Container.

Returns:String the HTML needed to create the iframe

Get the HTML needed to create the iframe.