
class gxp.form.GoogleGeocoderComboBox(config)

Creates a combo box that issues queries to the Google Maps geocoding service. If the user enters a valid address in the search box, the combo’s store will be populated with records that match the address. Records have the following fields:

  • address - String The formatted address.
  • location - OpenLayers.LonLat Location matching address.
  • viewport - OpenLayers.Bounds Recommended viewing bounds.

Config Options

Configuration properties in addition to those listed for Ext.form.ComboBox.


OpenLayers.Bounds | Array Optional bounds (in geographic coordinates) for restricting search.


Number Delay before the search occurs. Default is 100ms.


String Field from selected record to use when the combo’s getValue method is called. Default is “location”. Possible value’s are “location”, “viewport”, or “address”. The location value will be an OpenLayers.LonLat` object that corresponds to the geocoded address. The viewport value will be an OpenLayers.Bounds object that is the recommended viewport for viewing the resulting location. The address value will be a string that is the formatted address.