How to set up an OpenGeo Suite cluster in a virtual environment

This page will show how to automatically set up and configure a cluster of servers on VMware or other virtual environment.

This script is available to Enterprise clients only. Please contact us to become an Enterprise client.


  • Machine running the script must use Ubuntu, Red Hat-based Linux or Mac OS X
  • Python 2.7 or higher (not guaranteed on Python 3)
  • Ansible 1.6.2 or higher (installed via pip)
  • Super user access
  • VMWare or other virtual environment
  • NFS Server that is already setup (v3 recommended v4 requires this workaround )


Virtual environment

  1. Set up five instances of Ubuntu 12.04 in VMware or other virtual environment.

The following servers will be configured by the script:

  • 2 GeoServers
  • 2 PostgreSQL servers (with replication)
  • 1 NFS backend (only the connection from the Geoservers, no configuration on the NFS Server itself will be done)
  1. Make note of the IP addresses for each of these servers as they will be needed later.


  1. Mac OS X only: Install pip:

    sudo easy_install pip
  2. Ansible must be installed via pip. If you have Ansible installed through your standard package manager, run apt-get remove --purge ansible first before running pip install ansible.

  3. Install the python-dev package through your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu:

    apt-get install python-dev
  4. Install boto with pip:

    pip install boto

Clustering script

  1. Download and extract the clustering script archive to a directory.


    If you are an Enterprise client and do not have the script, please let us know.

  2. Open the file hosted_vars/main.yml in a text editor.

  3. Enter in the five IP address that correspond to the five virtual machines:

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Open the file hosts.hosted in a text editor.

  6. Enter the same IP addresses here as well under their respective headers, with the exception of the NFS server, which is not needed in this file:

  7. Save and close the file.

Launching the cluster

With setup complete, you can now launch the cluster.

  1. Run the following command from the root of the clustering directory:

    ansible-playbook ansible-playbook hosted-launch.yml -i hosts.hosted --user=<remoteusername>

    If you want to prompt for a password to login as that user, add -k. Or if you need a private key use --private-key=.

  2. You will be prompted to chown the /var/suite_share directory on the nfs server to tomcat6 user (easiest way is to create a user locally on the nfs server with the same uid/gid as on the geoserver servers)

  3. Details on the cluster will be available in the log file /tmp/informationoutput.


If you encounter errors while running the script, you can run the script in “debug mode” by appending -vvvv to the command. The individual commands run by the script will be displayed in the terminal.

Shutting down the cluster

For security reasons, there is no script to shut down a cluster. Instead, you can shut down your instances manually.